Paper City Texas

New Butcher Shop at Houston Farmers Market Brings Meat Gurus to the Forefront

Meet the men who want to put the meat on your table. Ryan Cade and Blake Robertson are the guys behind the 2,800-acre R-C Ranch in Brazoria County, dedicated to placing quality, sustainability and the ethical treatment of the farm animals they raise foremost in their business plans. Initially launched in 2010, R-C’s focus has been to raise and sell Wagyu beef, considered by many to be the best beef money can buy

And with more and more people — from nutritionists to climate change activists — advocating that people lessen the quantity of red meats they consume, it makes sense to seek out the best quality when you do eat meat.


Open 6 AM to 7 PM daily

Market closed only on Christmas Day
and New Years Day


2520 Airline Dr, Houston, TX 77009



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