Media and Filming FAQs

  • Taking photos or videos of or at the Houston Farmers Market for commercial purposes, including all stock images, advertising and merchandise, is prohibited without a film license granted from the Houston Farmers Market.
  • We reserve the right to deny any shoot at any time if it is not in the best interest of  tenants, staff, or Market patrons, or if it does not align with the Houston Farmers Market’s mission or any of the guidelines outlined.
  • The use of the Houston Farmers Market property for company R&D, product testing, user experience, or promotion of an outside company/organization is prohibited.
  • Outside location agreements and non-disclosure agreements will not be signed.
  • Except in the event of breaking news, no day-of media will be accommodated to film at the Houston Farmers Market. The public relations representative will grant access to the Market premises, assist in arranging film locations and interviews.
  • Photographers or members of the media on assignment to cover a news story related to the Houston Farmers Market or its merchants or staff, should contact the Houston Farmers Market public relations representative as soon as possible to request interviews and filming access before admittance to the Market.



Public Relations Representative:

Mary Ann Mason
Mason PR

Filling out a Media and Filming Request

Visitors are welcome to take photos and video for personal use on a visit to the Houston Farmers Market. Anything other than personal use or with more than one handheld camera requires a filming permit from the Houston Farmers Market. The use of drones or other unmanned equipment is strictly prohibited on the Houston Farmers Market premises.

All filming and photography projects require authorization from the Houston Farmers Market Marketing department. With the exception of breaking news, all filming/photography projects must be submitted with no less than 24 hours notice.

All requests are evaluated on an individual basis. Film/Photography productions that align with the Houston Farmers Market’s mission and brand values receive priority. The Houston Farmers Market reserves the right to approve or deny permits.

Please fill out the Media Request Form below and someone from our team will be in touch with you shortly.

News Media on Assignment

Photographers or members of the media on assignment to cover a news story related to the Houston Farmers Market or its tenants should contact the Public Relations representative as soon as possible to request interviews and filming access before admittance to the Market.

The PR representative will grant access to the Market, assist in arranging film locations and interviews.


Public Relations Representative:

Mary Ann Mason
Mason PR

Marketing Coordinator
Rachel Sumang
MLB Capital Partners



Open 6 AM to 7 PM daily

Market closed only on Christmas Day
and New Years Day


2520 Airline Dr, Houston, TX 77009



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